The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

Health Articles


If you watch this video, I promise you will NEVER look at sugar the same way again! Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr. Robert Lustig

Chris Kresser really “gets” it! His 9 Steps to Perfect Health are a GREAT place to start if you want to get away from the Standard American Diet.
Step 1: Don’t Eat Toxins. The main things to avoid are: cereal grains (especially refined flour), Omega-6 industrial seed oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, etc.), sugar (especially high-fructose corn syrup), and unfermented soy (soy milk, soy protein, soy flour, etc.).
Step 2: Nourish Your Body
Step 3: Eat Real Food
Step 4: Supplement Wisely. Basically, supplements either don’t help at all or are really harmful. Fermented cod liver oil is pretty much the only exception.
Step 5: Heal Your Gut. See also the GAPS diet.
Step 6: Manage Your Stress
Step 7: Move Like Your Ancestors. Basically, cardio is bad. Derm Dad has been doing the HIIT method (also recommended by Dr. Mercola) and he says it’s hard but he really likes it!
Step 8: Sleep More Deeply
Step 9: Practice Pleasure This article is a secular take on eucharisteo. I think he’s basically right (as far as stress being the opposite of pleasure/joy), but I think it’s even more true that we were built for joy (by God) and entitlement/lack of contentment keeps us from joy. So, eucharisteo/gratitude is really the antidote to stress and entitlement, etc..

Taking a PPI for heartburn/GERD?? You MUST read Chris Kresser’s series on PPIs, Heartburn and GERD

Part 1: What Everybody Ought to Know But Doesn’t About Heartburn and GERD
Part 2: The Hidden Causes of Heartburn and GERD
Part 3: More Evidence to Support the Theory that GERD is Caused by Bacterial Overgrowth
Part 4: How Your Antacid Drug is Making You Sick (Part a)
Part 5: How Your Antacid Drug is Making You Sick (Part b)

A page containing links to LOTS of articles, handouts, etc. on the topic of heart disease

Chris Kresser a.k.a. The Healthy Skeptic sells a High Cholesterol Action Plan. I haven’t purchased it yet, but I really respect him and I’ve heard a lot of his stuff on his podcast. I hope to review this resource soon and I will post when I do, but I would still not hesitate to recommend it now because I really trust his work.

I REALLY LOVE this post: Nutrition Minutiae Got Ya Down? (here)
This article is a guest post from Matt Stone and talks about how a lot of people who are learning about nutrition are focusing on small things while larger problems remain unchecked. Here’s an excerpt outlining the bigger picture issues:

Some top priorities that should take precedence over the fine details of nutrition are:

  1. Being able to sleep deeply for 8 or more hours per night, uninterrupted
  2. Having daily bowel movements that are formed and require little to no straining to expel
  3. Getting your body temperature to 98.6 degrees F, and hands and feet warm all day

Still counting Calories? Check out Matt Stone’s seriesĀ ( on The Calorie Myth

How to Identify Liver Problems and Improve Liver Health HERE

Is raw milk safe? see this. Some ask if raw milk is worth the risk. Personally, I don’t think pasteurized milk is worth the risk! We are raw all the way!!!

Think eating fat will make you fat? Check this out:

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Author: thepantrybook

Hi! I'm Nicole and this "pantry book" is my notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood. Stay awhile to join me and my family on our journey of eucharisteo (radical gratitude) in the midst of life and loving our amazing Everett, our two-year-old son who lost over half of his brain in a stroke.

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