What’s for Dinner? CSA Soup

Thursdays are CSA days around here and it’s a challenge to deal with all that veg on Thursday afternoon. I’ve tried lactofermenting all my greens (like sauerkraut, but with kale and chard mixed in with the cabbage) and I didn’t love it. I tried to eat it purely for medicinal purposes, but I ended up throwing it away. So, last night I put my CSA veg in a soup and it was really great. I used two quarts of homemade chicken stock from the fridge, a smattering of veg (kale, purple beans, two kinds of potatoes, fresh sage, fresh parsley, onions, and garlic), and a pound of grass-fed kielbasa (which I first browned in butter before adding to the veg). I think the butter-browned kielbasa was the critical ingredient – and a nice thick layer of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano on top. Yum!

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