The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

Everett Update October 2012

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Praising God for:

Ev is now eating so well! He’s excellent at drinking liquids from his squishy blue cup. He really seems to enjoy yogurt and kefir. I am giving him about three blue cups-worth at each meal. I have been grinding up some of whatever the rest of the family is eating in the baby food maker and mixing that with some yogurt, which has been working really well

Rolling! Ever since our weekend in CT in Oct, he’s been rolling several times a day, anytime I put him on his tummy.

New glasses. Grateful for provision to buy them (since they weren’t covered by insurance), although Everett thinks they are a chew toy.

Anat baniel method therapy. Grateful for provision to pay for the therapy. Grateful for insurance paying part. Everett’s right hand has really loosened up. We’ve had one week with no ABM therapy (Carla is out of town) and his hand is unfortunately really tight.

Masgutova neuro sensorimotor reflex integration (MNRI) therapy. Barbara has been doing about an hour of MNRI therapy (albeit less when he’s unhappy because of teething) every weekday. It takes soooo much pressure off of me to know that he is getting some therapy. One day this week, I came down after taking a shower and Barbara had been simultaneously doing ev’s therapy and teaching Adele a colors lesson in Portuguese.

Petitioning God for:

Head turning to the left. It seems like Everett has trouble turning his head to his left. I’ve been turning his highchair so that he has to turn his head left to eat. I gently touch the food to his cheek and most of the time turns and opens his mouth wide. Sometimes, though, he turns it sharply to the right and cries out, apparently in frustration.

Teething relief. Two canine teeth have popped through a bit but the gums are pretty swollen for all four. Ev likes it when I rub his gums so hard they squeak. Teething discomfort seems to have cased some motoric regression. Also, sleep for both of us has been affected. It seems like ev hasn’t slept through the night in a few weeks. The problem is that the extra nursing causes him to exceed the capacity of his diaper. Yuck! In both of our beds!

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Author: thepantrybook

Hi! I'm Nicole and this "pantry book" is my notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood. Stay awhile to join me and my family on our journey of eucharisteo (radical gratitude) in the midst of life and loving our amazing Everett, our two-year-old son who lost over half of his brain in a stroke.

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