The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

How we make kombucha

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While there are lots of posts on the internet about kombucha, I never found one that described exactly the method I use. I figured I would have to write up a post with pictures, etc.. But, I never quite got around to it. And, then, I read a post that looks just exactly like I had written it for you, but I didn’t have to! So, if you want to know how to make fizzy kombucha that tastes just like GT Dave’s (but you made it at home for pennies) and you want a method that is so easy you can handle it even if your life is cray-cray busy, then this method is for you! The blog post I didn’t have to write is HERE! peace out!


I hope to have a root cellar to house my 2-gallon fermenting crock o’ Kombucha someday . . .

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Author: thepantrybook

Hi! I'm Nicole and this "pantry book" is my notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood. Stay awhile to join me and my family on our journey of eucharisteo (radical gratitude) in the midst of life and loving our amazing Everett, our two-year-old son who lost over half of his brain in a stroke.

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