Bee Update June 27, 2013


There is A LOT of progress out in the hive, but I haven’t been able to get any good pictures. If only I knew how to manually focus my camera . . .

Today’s picture, if you can make it out, is about seven cells with white bee larvae (curled up like a little caterpillar) on the cross comb that is right against the window. This was shocking to me because I thought that the queen would prefer to lay her eggs in the more protected inner parts of the comb, but this is right in the prime viewing area. Which means that the queen herself was there – even though I never saw her. I will definitely be visiting the hive several times a day to see these larvae develop! If you live nearby, you’ve got to come see this for yourself!!!

One thought on “Bee Update June 27, 2013

  1. I’ve read on beekeeping. SO interesting!! I wanted to make sure you were receiving my posts because last month entangled me in a host of technical glitches. Even my husband was unsubscibed! The tomato soup looks delish. =) Diana

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