The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

Guess who’s pregnant? Me! Oh my!


It’s true! We expect to have a new baby (i.e. future farm hand) arriving next Spring. So far, mamma feels great, but we wouldn’t mind your prayers for that to continue. =)

Also, I’d love to hear your ideas for getting out of the house with two non-walking kiddos.

The complication is that Everett is a 25 lb toddler who needs a lot of support to sit and is better flat – plus we’ll have a newborn who’ll need to be flat at first. I know that most people keep a newborn in the carrier carseat, but with everything that we’ve learned about babies and how harmful it is to restrict their movement,  I just can’t do it. So far, the plan is to use some kind of extra-large bassinet or maybe a wagon for Everett and baby to lie flat until the new baby can sit unassisted (somewhere between four and six months???).

The Go-Go Babyz Folding Wagon looks like it might be great! It is 40 x 30″ which seems like it would be roomy enough for Everett plus a newborn.


Once the new baby is sitting, then I’d like to transition to a double umbrella stroller for leaving in the trunk of the car (I think I’d like the Maclaren double – super compact when folded, light, relatively easy to steer, and easy to fold).

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I actually already have a pretty expensive tandem double stroller with one seat that folds flat. But, our (4 year old) model is really challenging to fold and I think I would be teaching the kids to swear if I had to deal with folding and unfolding that thing every day. We use it as a jogging stroller (we mostly leave it fully open on the porch) and for trips involving airports (when there are two adults to help fold it).

I haven’t actually tried either of these strollers. Anyone want to share their experiences?

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Author: thepantrybook

Hi! I'm Nicole and this "pantry book" is my notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood. Stay awhile to join me and my family on our journey of eucharisteo (radical gratitude) in the midst of life and loving our amazing Everett, our two-year-old son who lost over half of his brain in a stroke.

4 thoughts on “Guess who’s pregnant? Me! Oh my!

  1. Yay for baby number 3!! So happy for you guys :) I hope that you are able to find the perfect things to carry those precious babes around. xo

  2. Congrats on baby number 3! Can’t wait to see you guys soon and have Adelle tell me all about it! We have the bumbleride indie twin double stroller. it’s heavy (maybe the newer models are lighter?), so not for airport travel, but both seats can fold completely flat and even landon (almost 4) can lay completely stretched out in it. it’s easy to manuver, all terrain, fits through doors, adjustable height handle, etc…. I know you asked for reviews on the other two things, i just figured i should give my two cents ;)

  3. I’m doing some wandering today and just read this post. Congratulations! Nothing like another baby to further fling us into the Father’s arms. Rest in Him! I hope all is well.

    From joy to joy,

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