Nature Study Notebook – Malachite butterfly



I’ve burst into tears for no good reason three separate times today. Seriously, everything is fine, but my emotions are cray-cray. As I pondered why I might be feeling so low, I remembered that Everett has been extremely fussy the several days and taking super-short or no naps at all. I think when he fusses, I feel like it’s because I’m not doing a good job or that I’m a failure so that might be contributing to some sadness. Anywho, in the past, I’ve noticed that I feel better after painting, so I decided to give it a go this afternoon – while Everett was not napping. And, I think it worked! I do feel better.

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One thought on “Nature Study Notebook – Malachite butterfly

  1. Nicole, oh my goodness! I truly love reading your blog and meant to tell you sooner! You are an amazing mother and have such a beautiful family. The lengths you go to for your son are inspiring and I’m so proud of you. To think we knew each other as young women ready to start our lives is crazy. You should be so proud of all you do for your family. I just wanted to tell you that. I find reading your blog makes me think about doing things a little different for my family and I appreciate that. You are a breath of fresh air and I encourage you to keep it up. Love always, your Disney roomie, Bridget

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