The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

a little sprucing up – for free

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We recently returned from our annual trip to Vermont, via New Jersey and Connecticut (pictures and post coming soon!), and while we were in Connecticut I did some much-needed yard work at our house in Mystic. By the way, could you join us in praying for a good renter – it’s currently vacant and let’s just say the mortgage ain’t cheap. Anywho, there is a boxwood in the yard that was just going crazy. So, I trimmed it and brought all the pieces home with me in a garbage bag. And then I made these boxwood wreaths – for FREE!!!! I know it’s a simple thing, but I felt so political and counter-cultural when I was making them. My saucy inner dialogue sounded something like this, “Oh yeah, society, you need to be a specialist to do just about anything, huh? I’m no trained florist, but these wreaths are looking pretty awesome. Take that!”




This smaller one has jingle bells that I bought at the Vermont Country Store – they make a festive noise every time I go down to the basement to do laundry or anytime someone opens this door to use the potty. I just love it! And I get to look at it when I’m in the kitchen.


Do you remember last year when I told you about this map in our kitchen? Well, I am still hoping to replace it with a world-map at some point, but the amount of inertia required to change this thing is just too much for me right now. So, I’ll just update new pics as I get them – unless I can’t bear to part with the previous one, in which case I’ll just keep both. At the bottom you can see my German fermenting crock and my new kombucha crock (which admittedly looks silly right now because it was a little damp when I put the lid on so I used clothespins to keep the air flowing).



So there you have just a few glimpses from our home these days. Oh, and you can see our fall mantle up there on the header! It’s just some of our favorite items from the nature shelf rearranged for fun on the mantle and a little faux leaf (which does look fake, because it is, but I like having the color up there) garland I had in the basement.


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Author: thepantrybook

Hi! I'm Nicole and this "pantry book" is my notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood. Stay awhile to join me and my family on our journey of eucharisteo (radical gratitude) in the midst of life and loving our amazing Everett, our two-year-old son who lost over half of his brain in a stroke.

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