Parental Rights Completely Disregarded by Appeals Court

Now, according to an appeals court, a hospital can force a girl to have a second round of chemo even if the girl herself and her parents refuse the treatment.

Judge John Lohn, the trial court judge who was overruled by the appellate court, wrote in his decision (denying the hospital’s request to appoint a nurse as guardian for the girl and force her to undergo chemo):

“The court cannot deprive these parents of their right to make medical decisions for their daughter because there is not a scintilla of evidence showing the parents are unfit.”

So, a court already ruled the parents to be completely fit and capable of making this decision. Oh, and her scans and tests show that she is already 100% cancer free! This is getting scary, people.


I’m quoting from the article written by theHealthyHomeEconomist (linked below):

With this outrageous decision, the noose has tightened further around the necks of parents to accept conventional medical treatments without question even when there is intense suffering and long term, life altering and irreversible physical damage from the treatments.

It used to be that parental authority was taken away only from unfit caregivers, but now, even loving, protective and concerned parents who are found by a court of law to be completely capable to parent their child are having their authority stripped by medicos with a completely different worldview.

The fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing and care of their children urgently requires legal protection from a conventionally minded establishment that increasingly seeks to collectivize child rearing particularly at a medical level.


Read the whole story here:

and here:

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